Refrigerators & Deep Freezers

Keeping Your Refrigerator Running Smoothly in Hot Summers

Keeping Your Refrigerator Running Smoothly in Hot Summers

Our refrigerators frequently have to work harder to keep our food and beverages cold as the temperature increases during the sweltering summer months. It is important that you follow to certain maintenance guidelines designed with the hot summer months in mind if you want your refrigerator to remain in optimal condition and continue to run smoothly. The following helpful advice will help you maintain the optimal operation of your refrigerator:

Condenser Coil Cleaning

Your refrigerator’s condenser coils are what allow heat to escape. These coils may gather dust and debris over time, which will reduce their capacity to efficiently dissipate heat. To get rid of any accumulation, regularly clean the condenser coils using a coil brush or a vacuum cleaner. Try to perform this once every six months, or more often if you live in a dusty area or have pets.

Maintain Appropriate Air Circulation

Make sure your refrigerator has enough room surrounding it to allow for appropriate air circulation. Keep the refrigerator away from heat sources like stoves, ovens, and windows that receive direct sunshine. A well-ventilated refrigerator facilitates faster cooling and lessens compressor stress.

Check the Door Seals

Inspect the door seals (gaskets) of your refrigerator for any signs of wear or damage. Air leaks from damaged seals might make the refrigerator work harder to keep the temperature where it wants it. Make sure the seals are free of debris and give them a frequent cleaning with mild soapy water. To preserve maximum efficiency, think about replacing the seals if you find any cracks or gaps.

Set the Temperature Correctly

In hot weather, it’s important to set your refrigerator’s temperature to the recommended levels. Generally, you want to set the freezer compartment at 0°F (-18°C) and the refrigerator chamber between 37-40°F (2-4°C). Lowering the temperature then is vital is to be avoided as it can lead to higher energy usage.

Defrost the Freezer

Be careful to routinely defrost the freezer if your refrigerator includes a manual defrost mechanism. An accumulation of ice can cause the cooling system to operate less efficiently and use more energy. To defrost, either use the manufacturer’s instructions or, if one is available, a designated defrosting setting.

Keep the Refrigerator Stocked

A refrigerator that is well-stocked will often hold its temperature longer than one that is empty. But don’t overdo it, as this can impede airflow and result in uneven cooling. Keep food and drink in moderation to facilitate smooth refrigerator operation.

Check the Water Dispenser and Ice Maker

If your refrigerator has a water dispenser or ice maker, inspect and clean these components regularly. Water quality and their functionality can be impacted by mold or mineral deposits. For instructions on cleaning and sanitizing these parts, go to the manufacturer.

Monitor Energy Usage

Pay attention to how much energy your refrigerator uses, particularly in the summer when it can be using more energy. If your present refrigerator is outdated or ineffective, think about making an investment in a more energy-efficient model. Energy-efficient appliances lessen their impact on the environment and save money on power costs.


You can make sure your refrigerator runs well, extend its longevity, and save energy and money over time by adhering to these summertime-specific refrigerator maintenance suggestions. Even in the hottest months, stay cool and preserve the freshness of your food!

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